Hemos ido en el lago Vierwaldstättersee. Ha hecho frío, pero en el  barco ha estado el color. hemos comido y jugado el Monopoly. Después hemos mostrado Lucerna y los monumentos. hemos tenido un muy bien postre en la tienda Magdalena. Por la noche hemos comido tortillas y jugado skipoo. 
We went in a great boat through the lake of Lucern, where we took photos and ate. There, we played the monopoly  with the ipad of my friend. Then they show us Lucern, and we did a test too. When we came to Hohenrain, we played Blokus. I've nerver played before. Then we ate mexican food. After that, I was talking with my friends of Valencia and with my cousin, via internet. Finally, I learned to play Skip-bo, and then I went bed.

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    März 2013

